
Volunteer staff appointments without salary are to be utilized whenever an individual volunteers their assistance or services to the University and receives no compensation.  For further information, see HR guidelines.

Federal regulations (29 CFR ? 553.101-106) define a volunteer as an individual who:

1. Performs hours of service for a public employer for civic, charitable or humanitarian reasons;
2. Provides the services without any expectation of compensation.
3. Offers services freely and without pressure or coercion from the employer; and
4. Does not perform the same type of services as an employee of the same public employer.

For the purpose of workers' compensation coverage, a volunteer is further defined as a person rendering services to the University where:

1. The University has control and direct supervisory responsibility over the manner and result of the services rendered; and
2. The volunteer receives no remuneration for such services other than meals, transportation, lodging, or reimbursement for incidental expenses, if appropriate.


Complete the Workers' Compensation Program Volunteer Registration Form and submit it to your Grant Manager. 

Volunteers may also need to complete the UC Waiver of Liability - Elective/Voluntary Activities, depending on the nature of the duties. For further information, contact your Grant Manager. 

Forms must be submitted for approval PRIOR TO any volunteer activity or trip (ISBER will help determine who qualifies as a volunteer, and will assist with the completion of the forms, please contact us). 

If you are a Group Leader, you are also covered by Workers’ Compensation and should take with you the “Employee's Guide to Workers' Compensation Benefits” and appropriate forms for your own use if the need occurs or for an approved volunteer.

Note: Third party administrators oversee Workers’ Compensation claims and determine the outcome. Workers’ Compensation coverage is not in lieu of personal medical coverage.

Oath & Patent Agreement

Volunteers are not required to be entered into the Payroll/Personnel System and to sign the University of California Loyalty Oath; however, they may be required to sign the University's patent acknowledgment form if they use University research facilities.  Contact Claudia or Amy to see if this form is required.

Fingerprinting & Background Checks

Certain volunteers who perform sensitive tasks, such as the care and security of children or the handling of cash, are required to submit to, and satisfactorily complete, a criminal background check. For more information, visit: http://www.hr.ucsb.edu/employment/background-checks


In the case of minors who have not graduated from high school, a work permit must be obtained prior to the beginning date of their service. Minors must not enter into a work situation without an approved work permit. For more information, visit: www.hr.ucsb.edu/employment/hiring/employment-minors